Category: MxMo

  • MxMo XXXIV: Spice – Hess House Bitters

    The topic of this month’s Mixology Monday is Spice and Craig over at Tiki Drinks and Indigo Firmaments is kind enough to host this shindig.  Let’s not beat around the bush, cocktails are amazingly tasty, but like food some times they need a bit of spice to make them truly incredible.  Cocktail bitters provide that…

  • Cocktail Hacker Guilty Pleasure: The Squeeze Lime

    Mixology Monday XXXII is being hosted by Stevi of Two at the Most.  The topic of the month is Guilty Pleasures and although I have quite a number the only cocktail related one that comes to mind is my love of the squeeze lime.  I’m sure you all know the delicious faux-fruit of which I…