Category: Review
Cointreau vs. Hiram Walker Triple Sec
A few weeks ago I came home to find that the booze fairy had left me a delicious package in the form of Hiram Walker Triple Sec. Also included in the box was a tiny bottle of Cointreau and the suggestion (challenge perhaps?) that I try them side by side. Always being up for a…
Paloma con Jarritos Toronja
During my week of Paloma exploration I wasn’t able to find any Jarritos Toronja, which, to put it simply, is the Mexican version of Squirt. It’s been bugging me since then so I redoubled my search efforts and found that a local Mexican bakery carries it. I picked up a few bottles and knew experimentation…
Oval Vodka
As I’ve mentioned on a couple of previous occasions I don’t drink much vodka either straight or in cocktails. It’s not that I don’t like vodka, I just don’t find a need for it all that often. This week however presented an excellent opportunity in the form of the Godmother and Goddaughter. A couple weeks…
Cachaça – Brazilian Rum?
You’ll note that on every bottle of cachaça you buy in the US there is a sublabel listing it as Brazilian Rum. It’s not a coincidence or marketing gimmick. Rather this is a requirement of the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). The TTB in their own words defines a rum as: Spirits…
Noilly Prat Dry Vermouth
Noilly Prat has just released a brand new recipe for their popular dry vermouth. Wait. No. That’s not right at all. Scratch that. Noilly Prat has discontinued the US version of the dry vermouth that you’ve been drinking for years. In its place, the US will now be partaking of the original 1813 recipe that…