Category: Review
Mud Puddle Books
Okay, I have another imagination experiment for you. Think of nearly any adventure movie. You know, Indiana Jones, National Treasure, pick your favorite. Good, now that we’re on the same page, I want you to think about what happens when the hero needs more information to reach their goal. They go to an expert who…
Kahlua Coffee Cream
When you hear the words coffee liqueur, I’m betting that the first thing that pops into your head is Kahlua. They’ve been the brand leader for years and with the help of their new ad campaign, (which I actually rather enjoy) they’re getting back into the fore-brain of consumers. As part of that strategy, they’ve…
Peterson’s Holiday Helper
I’ll be the first to tell you, holidays are not always my favorite times of the year. They’re hectic, often filled with awkward interactions, and sometimes downright un-fun. But, all whining aside, they’re a good time to catch up with friends and family, get in the spirit of giving and generally recognize how good we…
Rhum Clement Premiere Canne
Seeing as this week’s cocktail, El Presidente, calls for white rum it seems a perfect time to review one I got in the mail some time back, Rhum Clement Premiere Canne. Rhum Clement is a rhum agricole meaning that it’s distilled from sugar cane juice rather than molasses. Like Cachaca this gives Rhum Clement a…
Cruzan Black Strap Rum
As I started looking into the Corn N’ Oil cocktail one rum kept rising to the surface as the suggested dark rum for the drink. Nearly everything I saw said that this cocktail is as great as it is due largely in part to Cruzan Black Strap Rum. I’d tasted other Cruzan products in the…