Rhum Clement Premiere Canne

rhum-clement-premiere-canne150Seeing as this week’s cocktail, El Presidente, calls for white rum it seems a perfect time to review one I got in the mail some time back, Rhum Clement Premiere Canne.  Rhum Clement is a rhum agricole meaning  that it’s distilled from sugar cane juice rather than molasses.  Like Cachaca this gives Rhum Clement a distinctly more grassy note that I find quite pleasant.

As I bring my glass up for a sniff the first thing I notice is a subtly sweet grassy aroma that is both characteristic of rhum agricole and very pleasant.  Next I note  the crisp cleanliness of the aroma.  It isn’t deeply complex just pure and clean rum.

The flavor amplifies the subtle notes that came out in the aroma.  The sweetness although light is quick to present itself followed by the grassy notes of the sugar cane juice.  Finally I note the crispness again as the rum finished on my palate.  No strange aftertastes and no burn.  Lovely stuff.

How does it fair in an El Presidente?  Quite well.  The grassy notes still play through but work very well with the fruitiness of the juices and grenadine.  I think this rum would also work fantastically in a Daiquiri.  If you’re looking for a new white rum to try this one is certainly worth giving a shot.

† The product reviewed here was provided to me as a free sample. If you’re wondering what that means check out my sample policy.






One response to “Rhum Clement Premiere Canne”

  1. […] is pick a rum that you love for this drink.  I tried my house white rum, Flor de Caña, and Rhum Clemént Première Canne.  Both resulted in fantastic cocktails bur for this application I prefer the Flor de Caña.  It […]