Tag: Wrap Up

  • Income Tax Cocktail

    Tomorrow, in the US, is tax day.  That means millions of Americans will be turning in their income taxes and, I’m betting if you’ve waited this long, not enjoying the day.  Fear not, cocktails and the Cocktail Hacker have your back.  So, finish your calculations, dump the whole mess in an envelope, stamp it, lick…

  • Champs Elysées – Yeah…No

    I started this week eager for a unique and interesting cocktail.  Something that was a step away from what I’ve been mixing for a while.  While I got unique and I got interesting I, sadly, did not get tasty.  The Champs Elysées is a riff on the classic sour and seems like it should be…

  • Lucien Gaudin Cocktail – Expectedly Pleasing

    I can’t say that the Lucien Gaudin Cocktail really took me by surprise.  Its recipe shares striking similarities with a Negroni and the flavor follows suit.  All the books I checked had the same recipe and my fellow bloggers have all stuck with the same.  So, not a lot to go on there.  And, quite…

  • Rob Roy – I’m Going with a Manhattan

    I can always tell the cocktails I’m only moderately impressed with.  They’re the ones that when I get home from work, I reach for a cider or an old standby cocktail instead of my featured cocktail.  The Rob Roy was this way.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s not a thing wrong with this drink in…

  • Spirited Hot Chocolate – You Can’t Go Wrong

    Every time I come up with a good spirit to mix with hot chocolate I feel like I get ideas for two more.  Certainly, this is not what one would consider a bad thing by any means, but it’s making me want to drink hot chocolate with booze for hours on end.  And, sadly, that…