Tag: Gin and Tonic

  • Cranberry-Orange Gin and Tonic

    Your big meal is over, guests have waddled out, dishes are done…time for a cocktail!  And what better than a festive holiday cocktail using ingredients you probably already have left from your dinner?  Elisabeth pointed out a Cranberry-Orange Gin and Tonic featured in this month’s Southern Living Magazine and I was immediately sold.  Mix one…

  • MxMo XXXVI: Recession Gin and Tonic

    This month’s Mixology Monday is being hosted by Matt Rowley of Rowley’s Whiskey Forge.  The topic, Hard Drinks for Hard Times, I’m sure hits home for a lot of us.  My 401K is down 8.9% for 2009 (don’t even ask about 2008), I have friends and relatives who have been laid off, overall times truly…

  • Gin and Tonic – Wrap Up

    The greatest thing I discovered this week experimenting with the Gin and Tonic was a renewed love of my first favorite cocktail.  The Gin and Tonic is an exercise in simplicity.  Two ingredients and a twist of lime.   But, as we showed in our tonic tasting just because the Gin and Tonic is simple doesn’t…