I’ve got a new spiced rum on my sampling docket today, The Lash. At present, the distribution in the US isn’t all that broad, but I’m certain it will grow as this rum is really quite good. Deeper in color than most spiced rums I’ve seen, this one starts life as a Trinidad rum aged four years in bourbon barrels. From there it heads to the Netherlands where it is introduced to real spices and vanilla extract. The final product is not chill filtered so you may notice a bit of sedimentation but I think that’s a good thing. It shows that real spices were used in the production and not purely extracts and oils.
In the aroma I found strong notes of cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla backed by a mixture of warm spices. In the flavor I’m getting the strong notes of cinnamon and vanilla again with noticeable hints of nutmeg and cardamom. The overall flavor reminds me very much of a well made fruitcake (No, that’s not a bad thing). There is a sweet element and a bold mix of spices all combined quite harmoniously. There is no burn to this rum which isn’t all that surprising since it clocks in at a relatively low 35% ABV. Although this is low for most distilled spirits I think it could be a very good thing for those interested in taking the leap from mixed drinks to sipping alcohols.
The advertising material for The Lash seems to follow that same plan by offering two simple serving suggestions. Serve it neat or on the rocks. If you must, they advise you can mix it with some cold Coke. And therein lies the small leap. For many who enjoy a rum and Coke the leap from that to a glass of The Lash on its own won’t be a monumental one. So, if you’re looking to expand your horizons with a new spiced rum or, for that matter, looking to take the leap to a sipping alcohol then The Lash might be a great place for you to start. I know I’ll be enjoying it neat from time to time.
†The product reviewed here was provided to me as a free sample. If you’re wondering what that means check out my sample policy.