Month: March 2009

  • Irish Coffee

    I’ve enjoyed my week off and my eyes are nearly fully healed so I’m ready to dive back in to cocktail hacking.  Since this Tuesday is St. Patrick’s Day it seemed only logical that I had to do an Ireland themed cocktail of some kind for this week.  But what to choose?  I already covered…

  • Lemon Drop – Mmmm…Lemony

    Let me start with a sincere apology for the delay in wrapping up the Lemon Drop.  Early in the weekend I decided I wanted to experiment with a couple things I hadn’t had a chance to.  In addition, I decided I was going to not feature a cocktail this week.  So, that delayed this wrap-up.…

  • Lemon Drop – Vodka Faceoff

    This week we’re presented with another cocktail that calls for citrus flavored vodka, but is it really worth it?  I decided to do another side by side comparison, like I did with the Cosmopolitan, and see if I can discern the difference.  For my tests I used Ketel One Citroen and Tito’s Handmade. The first…

  • Lemon Drop

    I haven’t spent much time covering vodka cocktails as yet.  Some of my fellow cocktail enthusiasts are vehemently opposed to vodka and while I can’t say I fall in to that category, I will say I don’t find myself reaching for it particularly often.  Which is particularly odd when you consider that I have a…