Category: Recipes

  • What I’m Drinking Now: Coral Rose

    Clementines are everywhere this time of year, which is fantastic!  Clementines are the perfect cocktail orange.  So, granted, they’re technically tangerines, but, hear me out on this one.  They’re perfectly sized for cocktails (you’ll get 1 1/2 – 2 oz of juice from each one), the flavor is better than most mega-mart oranges and you…

  • Spiced Apple Toddy

    Winter finally arrived here in Colorado to the tune of 12-16″ of snow at my house.  And that doesn’t even begin to compare to what the Northeast has seen.  But, you know what that means, friends?  It’s time for hot drinks, with booze.  I went for a hike in the snow yesterday and I definitely…

  • Locavore Vesper

    Last week, while chatting about cocktails, a coworker reminded me of the classic Vesper.  Loved by James Bond, enjoyed, but not truly loved, by me the last time I mixed it up and reintroduced to the world during Casino Royale this is a cocktail I should love.  Strong measure of gin, some bitterness and a bit…

  • Review – Berentzen Bushel and Barrel

    For over 250 years Berentzen has been making distilled spirits and specifically apple and other fruit liqueurs.  Bushel and Barrel is the marriage of their long experience making apple liqueur with the years of tradition and flavor of Kentucky Bourbon.  The result is a apple bourbon liqueur clocking in at 30% ABV. The color is…

  • Homemade Orange Bitters

    Lately I’ve been drinking a lot of carbonated water at work and at home.  My favorite way to drink it is with quite a few dashes of bitters.  While I like the flavor of aromatic bitters (and I’ve been using a previous batch frequently), I prefer fruit bitters.  Having barreled through a couple bottles of Fee…