Category: General

  • Bitters Filtering Technique

    I’m a huge fan of bitters and have made a few successful attempts at making my own in the past.  However, the one problem that I always come across is filtering the final product to get out all the sediment.  For my attempts I’ve used coffee filters with mediocre success.  They get out the big…

  • More Cocktail Infographics

    I’ve shared with you some interesting infographic expressions of cocktail recipes in the past as well as the phylogeny of cocktails.  This time, designer Konstantin Datz has taken it wholly to a new level.  Each drink is rendered in 3D with a cool guide showing the portion of each ingredient and the method of mixing. …

  • Spirited Hot Chocolate – You Can’t Go Wrong

    Every time I come up with a good spirit to mix with hot chocolate I feel like I get ideas for two more.  Certainly, this is not what one would consider a bad thing by any means, but it’s making me want to drink hot chocolate with booze for hours on end.  And, sadly, that…

  • Hot Chocolate Update

    So, I’m moving right along with the hot chocolate mixing and tasting and I wanted to pop in and offer some updates. First, I posted last week about the homemade hot chocolate mix that I’m using for these drinks.  Ron posted a comment about my choice to omit the cayenne powder.  He mentioned that the…

  • Hot Chocolate Time!

    Winter may seem to be passing us by for another year, but I’m certain we’re not completely done yet.  There is sure to be more snow to come, at least for me, and I’ll be needing a way to keep warm.  Problem is, I don’t much like hot beverages.  While they are growing on me,…