Category: Review

  • Review – Ice Cream Happy Hour

    Do you like ice cream?  Since you’re human, I’m going to bet yes.  And, since you’re reading my blog I think it’s safe to also assume you like booze.  So, friends, can you imagine the combination of the two?  Neither could I.  Mind you, I tried.  But my brain basically rebooted from joy every time…

  • Review – Bakon Vodka

    Everyone who enjoys cocktails, or rather, drinking in general, has dabbled in infusing spirits.  Most stick with straightforward combos: mango vodka, strawberry tequila, vanilla rum, etc.  The next step in that process is fat washing.  Specifically you’re adding a flavorful fat to a spirit and the alcohol and water soluble flavors in the fat are…

  • Review – Bärenjäger

    Ever sat down after a long day and craved a nice glass of honey?  Neither had I, emphasis on the had.  I sat down a couple nights back to write this review and ended up simply sipping the Bärenjäger and vegging.  And you know what?  I’d do it again.  You see, until you’ve sipped Bärenjäger,…

  • Review – BlackBeard Spiced Rum

    Tasting spiced rum there are certain things I look for.  First, the base rum should be good.  Flavored crappy rum is still crappy rum.  Second, the flavors should taste natural.  I don’t want the rum to taste like the producer added some bottled extracts and called it good.  Third, and finally, the spice flavors should…

  • Review – Reyka Vodka

    What first struck me as I looked at the review bottle of Reyka vodka I had been sent was the bottle itself and not how you’d think.  The bottle design is unique with “Iceland” (it’s home country) embossed around the shoulder, but that’s not what caught my eye.  What I really enjoy is the glass…