Category: Review

  • Review – Cosmo’s Official Cocktail Book

    Let’s get something very clear.  I’m not a reader of Cosmo.  But, that said, I did have a subscription to Maxim for a couple years and, let’s face it, you remove the gender slant and they’re really the same thing.  So, when my review copy of Cosmo’s Official Cocktail Book arrived I tore into it…

  • Review – Batch 19 Pre-Prohibition Style Lager

    The words American Lager generally illicit thoughts of macrobrewed session beers and all day drinking.  That wasn’t always the case.  As beer became popular in the United States lagers quickly became the favorite of the nation.  That being the case, the lagers of that era were merely relatives of the mass produced lagers of today. …

  • Review – DonQ Rum

    When you hear the words “Puerto Rican Rum” you’re likely to think of the 1,000 lb gorilla in the room, you know the one.  But you’re limiting yourself if you stop there.  There are lots of other great distilleries on the island.  For example, today I’m reviewing DonQ rums.  While DonQ has been around for…

  • Review – Espolon Tequila

    A few years back a friend took a vacation to Mexico.  Naturally, I asked that he bring back native booze.  The tequila that came back was a bottle of Espolon.  At that point the tequila wasn’t particularly flashy, but it was tasty.  I’ve spent the last years meting it out to worthy guests and savoring…

  • Review – Partida Tequila

    When my samples of Partida tequila arrived they were accompanied by a folder full of gushing reviews and highlights of the awards the spirits have won.  Quickly leafing through the packet it seemed like the makers were really trying to toot their own horn.  Not wanting my reviews to be swayed I didn’t read any…