Category: Books
Review – Ice Cream Happy Hour
Do you like ice cream? Since you’re human, I’m going to bet yes. And, since you’re reading my blog I think it’s safe to also assume you like booze. So, friends, can you imagine the combination of the two? Neither could I. Mind you, I tried. But my brain basically rebooted from joy every time…
Review – The Punch Bowl
Sweet, sour, spice, water and alcohol. Those are the five, seemingly simple, components of every good punch. But, I’ll ask you this. Have you ever tried to come up with your own punch? Was it good? What about great? I’m willing to bet, coming from past experience, that it wasn’t amazing. If you’re lucky it…
Review – Cosmo’s Official Cocktail Book
Let’s get something very clear. I’m not a reader of Cosmo. But, that said, I did have a subscription to Maxim for a couple years and, let’s face it, you remove the gender slant and they’re really the same thing. So, when my review copy of Cosmo’s Official Cocktail Book arrived I tore into it…
Review – Cocktail Town: San Francisco
Traveling to a new city can always be a bit daunting. Unfamiliar streets, unfamiliar restaurants, unfamiliar landmarks and, possibly the worst, no knowledge of where to go for a good cocktail to calm your nerves.  Cocktail Town takes the guess work out of that problem and shows you around the cocktail hotspots. This is the…
The Bubbly Bar
A few months ago I received a review copy of Maria Hunt‘s new book The Bubbly Bar. Unlike most cocktail books, this one centers entirely on Champagne based cocktails. The book starts, as it should, with the classics. Some I’ve featured already (eg The Champagne Cocktail and the French 75) and some I have not…