Category: Uncategorized

  • Locavore Vesper

    Last week, while chatting about cocktails, a coworker reminded me of the classic Vesper.  Loved by James Bond, enjoyed, but not truly loved, by me the last time I mixed it up and reintroduced to the world during Casino Royale this is a cocktail I should love.  Strong measure of gin, some bitterness and a bit…

  • NPR: Distillery Cats

    This story made me smile and think about my two “mousers”*.  I love the idea of a distillery cat…but the thought of a constant flow of dead mice is a little off-putting. *We have to use the quotes since they haven’t caught a mouse, but I’m certain that’d they’d very much like to try.  Although,…

  • Homeopathic Cocktails

    I’m not one who usually believes in the power of homeopathy.  However, after Jacob Grier’s scientific and meticulous examination of a homeopathic Negroni, I might just be a convert.  Amazing the power of dilution! And, in case you need more proof of the power, watch this. [youtube][/youtube]

  • Whiskey at Mount Vernon

    I’m a day late in getting this one posted, but I think it’s still really fascinating.  Everyone knows (or at least should know) that George Washington was the first President of the United States.  As one of our founding fathers, a truly amazing military leader and successful businessman, there are lots of things to be…

  • White Russian

    If you’re a fan of The Big Lebowski you’re already familiar with this week’s cocktail.  And, well, if not let’s do some familiarization.  This week I’m going to be mixing up White Russians.  The source of this drink seems a bit shaky.  Wikipedia references both an insert to the November 21st, 1965 edition of the…